Hello, nice to have you here! I hope you had a good time, looking around in my portfolio. My name is Felicitas Horstschäfer, I'm a graduate designer (got my diploma in 2009) and ever since working as a freelance illustrator and designer for different companies and publishing houses.

I'm a great fan of paper. I enjoy the sound of crinkly paper. Is is an every day material. With a few simple methods, one can transform it into all kinds off stuff. When I was six years old, I build a whole dollhouse out of a 600 pages notepaper block and way too big kitchen scissors. Including the rug in front of the toilet and the flowers on the table.

I still love to engineer with paper - e.g. typography, pop-up trees and caroussell-books. I adore the technics of paper-cuttings. I use it in a lot of ways for stationery, editorial illustration and cover designs.

Some of my clients:
VERLAGE: Aladin, Arena, Ars Edition, Carls Ueberreuther, Carlsen, cbj, cbt, cherche midi, Chrionicle Books, Coppenrath, dtv, Dumont, Gerstenberg, Minedition, Mixtvision, Gruner + Jahr (Neon Magazin), Prestel, Ravensburger, rororo, St. Martin, Thienemann,…
WERBUNG & PRODUKT: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, Mercedes Benz, Räder Design,…


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